Rod and Staff Math - Grade 3

Math Grade 3:

Exploring Arithmetic

Pupil Textbook

The 170 lessons in grade 3 are bound in one hardcover textbook. Students are taught how to set up their assigned work on notebook paper instead of using workbooks. Addition and subtraction facts up to the 18s are reviewed, along with carrying and borrowing, coins, clocks, the calendar, fractions, and measures. Students learn multiplication and division facts through the 9s, multiplication with carrying to the hundreds, and long division with a 3-digit dividend and a 2-digit quotient. They also learn to add, subtract, and compare fractions. Symbols for more than, less than, and same as are taught. Rounding to the nearest hundred or thousand, number of days in a month and year, five-dollar bills, Roman numerals to 30, picture graphs, and measuring to the quarter inch are introduced. A wide variety of reading problems help students apply math to everyday life situations. Continuous review is built into the lessons.

Speed Drills

Speed drill are provided in a separate booklet with tear-out pages.

Chapter Tests

Chapter tests are also in a separate booklet.

Practice Sheets

Reproducible practice sheets for additional drill, as well as patterns for charts and multiplication and division flash cards, are included together in a separate pack.

Teacher's Manual

The teacher's manual is essential for the course and comes in two volumes, which contain instructions for the teacher regarding lesson preparation, practice sheets, and drill time. Each lesson shows the pupil's pages full size with answers filled in. Answer keys for practice sheets, speed drills, and tests are also included.

Multiplication and Division Chart

A multiplication/division chart is available, which includes fact strips to place above the chart.

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