Click on a course to see an overview and sample lessons.
We Learn About God of the Bible Nurture and Reader Series is planned to provide texts and workbooks for the pupil's basic needs in the first grade, with the exception of arithmetic and music. It correlates reading, phonics, language, spelling, and penmanship.
This course is arranged into 6 units, with a total of 160 lessons. Unit 1 has 15 lessons, Unit 2 has 25 lessons, and Units 3-6 have 30 lessons each. Each lesson has 6 divisions: Reader, Reading Workbook, Phonics Workbook, Penmanship Workbook, Worksheet(s), Practice Page(s), and sometimes Blackline(s). All of these divisions relate to one another in a given lesson, thus thoroughly acquainting the child with the lesson for each day.
Beginning Arithmetic is designed to start at the beginning of first grade. The 170 lessons are bound into 2 workbooks of 176 pages each, with 1 tear-out sheet for each lesson. First graders can more easily write on one sheet rather than in a thick workbook, and the tear-out pages also make checking more convenient.
No unit or chapter divisions are given. Money, measures, place value, fractions, and so forth are taught throughout the year while addition and subtraction facts are being drilled.
The Penmanship for Christian Writing in Grade 1 consists of three workbooks that correlate well with the Grade 1 Reading Program (3rd edition). These workbooks teach the strokes needed to form each letter as it is introduced in the phonics lessons. They provide much practice to develop the needed printing skills, and students also write their spelling words as part of their penmanship lessons. The teacher's instructions for this course are included in the phonics teacher's manual, but when using this course independently, the standalone teacher's manual is recommended.
Beginning in Music One is a set of 32 one-sided, tear-out worksheets designed to teach two sets of musical characters: the syllable shapes and kinds of notes.
Shapes tell the syllable name (Do, Re, Mi, etc.) and are not related to length of tone. In teaching the syllable shapes, we have ascribed to each syllable a particular color which expresses the general feeling of that tone. The worksheets drill tracing shapes, coloring shapes, choosing particular shapes from varieties of shapes, and matching the shapes to their names. The emphasis at this level is on recognition of shapes and their names.
Two art courses are available for Grade 1. Developing Motor Skills in Art includes more paper and craft projects. Art With a Purpose has more coloring and drawing exercises. These courses can greatly minimize the teacher's workload and give practical direction to art skills. It is recommended for both of these courses that the teacher have her own student packet or Artpac to do sample lessons beforehand. Extra packets would provide spares for the times someone needs to start over.
Click on a course to see an overview and sample lessons.
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