Rod and Staff Bible - Grade 10

Bible Grade 10:

The Completion of God's Plan for Man

The Pupil's Book

Use: Workbook Versus Textbook

The pupil's book may be used as a consumable workbook or as a textbook. It is designed as a workbook, which allows the student to write answers in the book and to keep it after he completes the course. However, since most exercises are numbered or lettered, schools that prefer to reuse the books for several years may ask the students to write their answers on paper.

Chapter and Lesson Divisions

The pupil's book is divided into six chapters. Each chapter has five lessons and a review. A chapter is intended to provide work for six weeks. Chapter tests and a final test are available in a separate booklet.

This workbook begins with a study of man and then goes through the Bible, noting various ways that God revealed Himself to man and provided for man's salvation. Most lessons have the following sections.

  1. Key Scriptures—These Bible passages relating to the lesson theme could be profitably read aloud in class as time permits. However, since this course is a study of themes rather than passages, it should be noted that the lesson is not limited to these passages. Other related verses are used in the lesson to give a balanced view of the subject.
  2. Lesson Introduction
  3. Part A. Gleanings From the Bible—The exercises in this part of the lesson direct the student to Bible passages for answers. This is the core section of the course and should be completed by all students.

  4. Part B. Word Study—This list of words is taken from the lesson. Most are words from the Bible, but some are terms related to Bible study that the students should know. The student must understand the meaning of a word to best comprehend what it conveys. A word may have several meanings, but the one asked for is the one that fits the context of the lesson.
  5. Part C. Questions for Discussion—The teacher may use these questions in discussion to help direct the thinking of the students.
  6. Part D—This section provides background information on Bible study helps, the books of the Bible, and Bible geography. These studies will help students to better understand the Bible and Bible reference sources.
    The following reference books are needed to complete this course: a Bible dictionary (such as The New Unger's Bible Dictionary), a Bible atlas (such as Baker's Bible Atlas or Hammond's Atlas of the Bible Lands), and Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Students can share a school copy of each, but if you have a number of students, you might want more copies. Other reference books that are recommended for a few exercises include Halley's Bible Handbook (Lesson 2), Nave's Topical Bible (Lesson 2), and Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Lesson 4). It would be useful to borrow copies of these books for these lessons if you do not have them in the school library.
  7. Part E. Expanding Your Bible-Study Skills—This part is found only in the first lesson of each chapter and contains assignments that are due by the time the chapter is completed. These assignments are meant to help grade students expand their study skills through assignments such as writing essays, outlining books of the Bible, making a chart showing the regular Old Testament sacrifices, and outlining the main events in Jesus' life. The teacher should feel free to adjust these exercises to fit the needs of his class.

The Teacher's Book

Oral Review

These questions are for optional use during the class period. They provide a continual review of some main points, to avoid having all the review come just before the chapter test. They also provide cumulative review on important points that are covered in the final review and final test. If you wish, you may duplicate the questions and hand them to the students for written work or personal study.

In This Lesson


This section provides a brief outline of main events or teachings on which to focus while teaching the lesson.

Truths for the Teacher

Bible class should not consist merely of drilling facts. This course provides an excellent opportunity to convey spiritual truths. Several important truths in each lesson are listed for your benefit. The list is not exhaustive, nor should you feel it necessary to cover all the points mentioned. Rather, the list is for your ben�efit, to provide inspiration and a sense of direction. Teach as the Lord directs, with truths He has instilled in your heart.

Answer Key

A copy of the pupil's page is provided, with the answers given in colored ink. Teachers should use their own judgment when deciding whether an answer is correct. Vague or incomplete answers will not suffice.

This course calls for complete answers when long blanks are given. Some teachers might want to require students to give sentence answers for all long blanks, while other teachers might require sentence answers only when a sentence is needed for a complete answer. Teachers should tell their students what type of answer they will consider to be complete.

Sometimes the Answer Key gives several options for an answer or has some other directions for the teacher to consider in relation to a question. If this requires too much space to fit in the Pupil reduction, two arrows (>>) direct you to look in the margin for the additional answers or further direction.


Along the right margin are additional directions and notes that you may find interesting and helpful in teaching. The directions are in italic type, with the first line indented. The notes are preceded by bullets.

Note for Schools Outside the United States

To keep this workbook simple, metric measures have not been included in the lessons. However, the tables of measure in the back of the pupil's book give metric equivalents, and the answer key gives answers in metric units. If you normally use the metric system, tell your students to give all answers involving measure in metric.

Bible Memorization

If you want to assign memory verses related to the themes in this course, select appropriate passages from "Key Scriptures."

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