Rod and Staff English - Grade 4

English Grade 4:

Building with Diligence

Pupil's Textbook

This book has 127 lessons divided into 11 chapters. The first two chapters deal with understanding sentence structures and types. Chapters 3-8 and Chapter 10 focus on seven parts of speech—nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions. Chapter 9 teaches concepts about punctuation. Chapter 11 concludes the course with lessons on capitalization, the dictionary, synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. Interspersed throughout the book are 33 composition lessons. Continual review is built into the lessons. This English course is designed for approximately 120 minutes of class time per week.

In a typical lesson, the lesson text explains and illustrates the new concepts. In the exercises, the "Oral Drill" is intended for oral practice in class. The written work is often divided into "Written Practice" (exercises on the present lesson) and "Review and Practice" (exercises on concepts taught previously). An occasional "Challenge Exercise" provides additional work that may be done for extra credit or assigned to more able students.

Chapter Reviews at the end of each chapter provide a review of the material taught in that chapter and prepare the students for the chapter tests.

Teacher's Manual

The Teacher's Manual has reduced copies of the pupil's text, the worksheets, and the tests. The answers are in the shaded area beside the exercises. Each lesson in the Teacher's Manual begins by stating the "Purpose" of the lesson. Following the "Purpose," some lessons include a section entitled "Teacher," which is for the teacher's information and awareness.

Beginning in Lesson 4, a section called "Oral Review" follows "Teacher." The review exercises in this part are intended to be used at the beginning of the class period; they review concepts already taught and get the pupil's minds ready for the new English lesson.

Some lessons have a "Written Quiz" after "Oral Review." These quizzes provide written review and drill on important concepts. Both the "Oral Reviews" and the "Written Quizzes" are optional. Suggestions for "Presenting the Lesson" are given next, followed by occasional "Extra Practice."


We have a booklet of 68 worksheets. This may be used as a workbook, or the sheets may be copied. If the pupils seem to need further drill and review, we strongly encourage the teacher to use these extra materials.


A test booklet with tear-out pages provides a test for each of the five units.

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