This hardcover textbook gives Grade 4 pupils a glimpse of the world's geography, cultures, and wildlife from a Biblical perspective. It is both a storybook and a textbook. As a storybook, it portrays the lives of children in various lands and cultures. As a textbook, it explains some of the underlying reasons for differences in people's lives. The four main goals ofthis textbook are as follows:
1. To acquaint students with the way people live and work in countries around the world, with a special emphasis on the effect of climate.
2. To establish a basic familiarity with the physical geography of the earth and with geographic terms.
3. To foster a wholesome attitude toward all people, no matter what their color or culture.
4. To develop skill in using maps and globes, the two most valuable tools of geography.
The first chapter teaches a basic knowledge of the climate zones of the earth. Chapters 2-8 take the student around the globe, studying the geographical and cultural varitations of different lands, including Nigeria, the Philippines, Australia, Europe, Japan, Siberia, Ecuador, and more. Chapter 9 prepares the student for the fifth grade book, Homelands of North America, by teaching a basic knowledge about the United States and Canada. Special attention is given to an understanding of the states, provinces, and regions of these two countries.
Mapmaking and geographical knowledge are emphasized throughout the course. The students are required to fill out blank outline maps for most of the chapters. The outline maps are included in the back of the pupil's textbook and may be copied or traced as needed.
Over 230 maps, illustrations, and photographs are shown in color or black and white. Study exercises are included for each lesson. There are 45 lessons, including the reviews at the end of each chapter.
"Testing Your Understanding" has the written work, and "Further Study" provides questions to discuss in class.
A few chapters have an "Extra Activity" at the end. This activity is not an essential part of the course but is a supplementary project designed to broaden the pupil's understanding.
Beginning in Chapter 2, a part called "So Far This Year" gives exercises for a cumulative review of the main concepts studied to that point.
The Teacher's Manual is a hardcover book that includes teaching helps and extra information.
The "Lesson Aim" states the main purpose of the lesson. The "Main Points" are the most important concepts. Bracketed information is not in the pupil's text.
The "Related Points" give material for a broader understanding of the lesson or simply as a matter of added interest. This material is not covered in the pupil's text.
The "Answer Keys" contain the exercises from the pupil's book and a reduced copy of each test with answers in place.
The test booklet, with perforated pages, has nine chapter tests and a final test.
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