Rod and Staff Music - Grade 5

Music Grade 5:

Growing in Music

Pupil Textbook

This course can be used in Grade 4 also, or a combination of Grades 4 and 5. Although this textbook assumes that the pupil can recognize characters such as notes, rests, and clef signatures, the six chapters cover the simplest elements of music and can be used for those who have had no previous instruction.

Such aspects as sound, tone properties, good singing habits, the various parts ofthe staff, the major diatonic scale, notes and rests, and rhythm are taught. There are questions at the end of each chapter for the student to answer.

Sight-reading exercises in the back of the book help the students to learn the scale and simple rhythm patterns. A sections of rounds and two-part songs is provided to help the students in harmonizing parts.

Pupil's Workbook

The workbook is divided into 21 exercises, which help rivet the concepts taught in the textbook. At the back of the workbook are seven pages of blank staffs for general practice.

Teacher's Manual

The Teacher's Manual gives positive direction so that the teacher will not lose his way-even if he has never taught music before. Teaching the lessons and conducting the singing periods are clearly explained, and various drills and quizzes are included. The chapter reviews help to prepare students for the tests. Answers to questions in the pupil's books, workbooks, and tests are given. Suggested songs are listed, which may be found either in the back of the pupil text or in the songbook Silver Gems in Song (available from Rod and Staff Publishers, Inc.).


The test booklet, with tear-out pages, has a test on each of the six chapters plus a final test.

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