The 170 lessons in this hardcover book include the reviews and tests. The lessons explain and illustrate new concepts, which are built on concepts taught in the previous grades. Some new concepts taught in Grade 6 include greatest common factor; decimal-fraction-percent equivalents; finding discounts, commissions, and interest; conversions between English and metric measures; finding areas of parallelograms, triangles, and circles; using a protractor; and constructing graphs.
Class Practice presents problems to be used for teaching the lesson or drilling in class time.
Written Exercises are the homework problems that develop the new concepts, and usually include some reading problems.
Review Exercises give review of concepts taught in previous lessons.
The problems are often arranged in pairs so that if only the even- or odd-numbered problems are assigned, all the main concepts will be drilled.
This booklet contains 21 quizzes and 28 speed tests on tear-out sheets. The quizzes are not timed but are intended to reveal the students' understanding of concepts. Speed tests are timed tests that help gauge students' ability to solve problems quickly.
This booklet contains the 13 chapter tests on tear-out sheets.
Part 1, Chapters 1-6
Part 2, Chapters 7-13
These two hardcover volumes show the student lessons on full-size pages with answers filled in. Hints for general procedures and for testing are given at the beginning of the book. Helps for individual lessons are given on extra, shaded pages between the lessons.
Objectives list the main concepts taught in the lesson, with new concepts marked with a star.
Review gives concepts from previous lessons.
Introduction provides a theme, an illustration, or other idea with which to introduce a lesson.
Teaching Guide contains the points to be taught, along with helps for presenting them to the class. Main lesson concepts are in bold print.
An Ounce of Prevention warns of wrong ideas or procedures that students need to avoid.
Further Study presents material intended to broaden the teacher's base of knowledge.
Copies of the quizzes, speed tests, and chapter tests are included with answers filled in.
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