Communicating Effectively consists of parallel texts called Book One and Book Two. Either book may be studied first, and Grade 9 and 10 can be combined for English class if desired. Both books review grammar concepts from Grade 8 and previous years, but each one deals with different kinds of composition. Book One has 114 lessons and Book Two has 118 lessons.
New grammar concepts include retained adjective complements, nominative absolutes, subjects of infinitives, moods of verbs, and idioms. Composition skills in Book One include lessons on listening and speaking, Bible study, outlining, argumentative essays, poetry, and letter writing. Composition lessons in Book Two teach study skills, expository essays, stories, descriptions, reference sources, and parliamentary procedure.
Interspersed throughout both books are lessons to improve writing, speaking, and editing skills. Writing and speaking lessons focus on style rather than content.
In these two books, many of the lessons on grammar and mechanics teach no new concepts; they merely review important facts in order to rivet them in the students' minds. These lessons often include little explanatory text. Some are written in a handbook style, and others have brief explanations with a few examples. Lessons that review more difficult concepts (introduced only in grade 7 or 8) do include detailed explanations and illustrations.
In the lessons on grammar and mechanics, most of the exercises include sufficient material for classwork and for written assignments. You can divide each set of exercises into equal parts by using the odd- or even-numbered exercises in class and assigning the others as written work. Both halves give complete coverage of the concepts in the lesson. For those exercises that do not divide in this way, a note in the teacher's guide alerts the teacher to that fact.
The composition lessons include detailed explanations and illustrations. The exercises in these lessons rarely divide as do those in the grammar and mechanics lessons.
Interspersed throughout this text are three new kinds of lessons: "Improving Your Writing Style," "Improving Your Speaking Style," and "Improving Your Editing Skills." These lessons are designed to give students regular practice in writing, public speaking, and proofreading. Generally, the writing and speaking lessons do not require much preparation time for the students. Their focus is on the style rather than the mechanics of a written or an oral presentation.
Each chapter ends with a review lesson covering the material taught in that chapter. The test booklet has a test for each chapter and includes the exercises for the lessons on "Improving Your Editing Skills." The proofreading exercises may be photocopied as needed.
Each lesson in the teacher's guide begins by stating the Purpose of the lesson. If the lesson introduces a concept that is new in this English series, that concept is marked with a star.
After the Purpose, most lessons have a part called Teaching Suggestions. This section includes additional information and comments about items that need special attention.
Each lesson ends with a section of Answers to the exercises in the pupil's book.
This booklet includes 14 chapter tests and a final test on tear-out sheets.
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